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Insurance Blog

Please read our blog about a wide variety of insurance topics. Please feel free to ask us any questions.

Employer-Provided Life Insurance: What You Need to Know

Employer-Provided Life Insurance: What You Need to Know

Life insurance is a popular feature of employee benefits packages. Many employers provide basic group life free of charge to their employees. More Americans have workplace plans than individual life insurance plans, as reported in a NerdWallet article.  If your employer offers free or low-cost basic group life, there is no reason not to accept it. Enrollment is automatic in some cases. Although it is a...

Business Insurance to Protect Your Veteran-Owned Company

Business Insurance to Protect Your Veteran-Owned Company

Veterans entering the business world have access to a number of resources. These include the Small Business Administration, Veterans Affairs Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization (OSDBU), the SCORE Veteran Fast Launch Initiative, and American Corporate Partners (ACP).  One essential aspect of running a business is having adequate insurance coverage to protect your interests. The type of business insurance you need to protect your...

Shopping Safety Tips for the Holidays

Shopping Safety Tips for the Holidays

The average American plans to spend $998 on gifts and other holiday items this holiday season, according to the National Retail Federation. While that’s not as high as pre-pandemic years, it will still be a busy time for both online and brick and mortar retailers. However, all that hustle and bustle can create opportunities for real-life grinches. This time of year, thieves, pickpockets and porch...

Safeguard Your Property During the Holidays

Safeguard Your Property During the Holidays

The holidays are a time for celebration and getting together with family and friends. They can also mean a greater risk for your property if you are hosting parties or traveling away from home to other holiday celebrations. This is where your homeowners insurance policy comes in. Common Holiday Homeowners Insurance Claims Your homeowners policy will likely cover a range of holiday-related losses, including the...

6 Must-Have Apps for Your Car

6 Must-Have Apps for Your Car

You have a lot to keep track of in today’s fast-paced life ‒ from to-do lists to meetings to juggling multiple schedules in your household (and everything in between). And you’re not alone. A Pew survey revealed that about 60% of U.S. adults often feel too busy to even enjoy their lives. In the midst of all this busyness, one task that could easily fall...